Bachelor of Computer Science

Concentration: Data Science (DS)


The Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) program at University of Fujairah is designed to produce highly skilled graduates equipped to handle the complexities and demands of the modern technological landscape. This program offers three concentrations: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Science, and Networking & Security, each tailored to meet the evolving needs of industries both locally and regionally.

 Program Mission

The BCS mission is to equip graduates with the principles of Computer science, Concentrating on Artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms, Secure network design, software development, and programming, capable of advancing creativity, innovations, and research in the field that enables them to design, develop, deploy, and maintain applications of computer science toward fulfilling the needs of local and regional industries.

 Program Goals 

The following goals are established to facilitate realizing the program’s mission:

    1. Equip graduates with the critical approaches of computer science to enable them to design, administer, and assess Computer science-related ventures specifically using any of the 3 concentrations Networking & Security, Artificial intelligence & Machine Learning, Data Science;
    2. Develop skills of graduates to independently develop software and hardware relevant to the needs of the clients.
    3. Build communication competence of graduates to effectively convey any form of development in the profession.
    4. Cultivate accountability and professionalism of graduates to ethically implement solutions using Computer Science.
    5. Promote teamwork spirit to responsibly implement research and evaluation of Computer Science projects.
    6. Instill self-development and roles in context to function with full autonomy in the CS profession

Program Objectives

Graduates will be required to apply Computer Science disciplinary knowledge ethically and responsibly to current information systems practices, and to exhibit communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Specifically, graduates will be able to:

  1. Apply skills and knowledge to solve CS related problems throughout one’s career.
  2. Expand knowledge in novel areas related to the latest fields in computer Science by engaging in self-development and professional certification courses.
  3. Demonstrate effective communication skills to present their results and ideas in the work environment.
  4. Ascertain ethical and professional standards in all CS-related practices
  5. Work efficiently with teams with diverse cultural and interdisciplinary orientations as a member or as a leader.
  6. Continuously develop discipline expertise and adopt a holistic approach to build and maintain safe and adaptable Computer science related solutions for the society.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, the graduates will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate allied knowledge to solve complex problems in Computer Science, specifically using Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning; or Data Science; or Networking and Security.
    2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
    3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
    4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
    5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the Computer Science discipline
    6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions specific to Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning, or Data Science, or Networking and Security.

Summary of Courses and distribution of Total Credits


Category Credit Hours
Compulsory Elective Total
General Education Core Courses 21 0 21
Program Core Courses 78 6 84
Concentration Core Courses 21 0 21
Total Credit Hours 120 6 126
University Requirements (General Education): 36 Credit Hours
1- Compulsory Courses: 21 Credit Hours
Course Code Course Name CH Pre-requisite
COM-1143 English Communication Skills 3 EmSAT / its Equivalent
COM-2123 Academic Writing 2 3 COM-1113 Academic Writing 1
COM-1123 Arabic Communication Skills 3
HUM-1613 Islamic Studies 3
HUM-1633 UAE Society 3
LSS-2483 Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability 3
PHY-1111 Physics 3
Total Credit Hours 21
College Requirements: 78 Credit Hours
1- Compulsory Courses: 78 Credit Hours
Course Code Course Name CH Pre-requisite
CS0-0110 Calculus 1 3
CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology 3
CS0-0130 Algorithms and Problem Solving 3
CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming 3 CS0-0130 Algorithms and Problem Solving
CS0-0220 Logic Design 3
CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1 3 CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming
CS0-0240 Data Structures 3 CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming
CS0-0250 Discrete Mathematics 3 CS0-0110 Calculus 1
CS0-0260 Introduction to Statistics 3 CS0-0110 Calculus 1
CS0-0270 Linear Algebra 3 CS0-0110 Calculus 1
CS0-0280 Introduction to Software Engineering and System Analysis 3 CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology
CS0-0290 Calculus 2 3 CS0-0110 Calculus 1
CS0-0310 Computer Networks 3 CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology
CS0-0320 Computer Organization & Architecture 3 CS0-0220 Logic Design
CS0-0330 Object-Oriented Programming 3 CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming,

CS0-0240 Data Structures

CS0-0340 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 CS0-0360 Database Management,

CS0-0330 Object-Oriented Programming

CS0-0350 Human-Computer Interaction 3 CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1
CS0-0360 Database Management 3 CS0-0240 Data Structures
CS0-0410 Operating Systems 3 CS0-0240 Data Structures
CS0-0420 Cloud Computing 3 CS0-0410 Operating Systems,

CS0-0310 Computer Networks

CS0-0430 Web Technologies 2 3 CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1
CS0-0440 Information Security 3 CS0-0320 Computer Organization & Architecture
CS0-0450 Multimedia systems 3 CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1
CS0-0460 Ethics in Computer Science 3
CS0-0470 Internship 3 After successfully completing 90 Credit hours
CS0-0480 Capstone Project 3 After completing 90 Credit hours Successfully, CS0-0280 Introduction to Software Engineering & System Analysis
Total Credit Hours 78
2- Elective Courses: 6 Credit Hours from the following:-
Course Code Course Name CH Pre-requisite
CS0-1410 Computer Graphics 3 CS0-0330 Object Oriented Programming
CS0-1420 Advanced Programming 3 CS0-0330 Object Oriented Programming
CS0-1430 IT Project Management 3 CS0-0280 Introduction to Software Engineering & System Analysis
CS0-1440 E-commerce Development 3 CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1
CS0-1450 Management Information Systems 3 CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology
CS3-0110 Network Security 3 CS0-0310 Computer Networks
CS2-0110 Data Mining 3 CS0-0260 Introduction to Statistics
CS1-0110 Introduction to Machine learning 3 CS0-0340 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Total Credit Hours 6
Concentration Core Courses: 21 Credit Hours
Course Code Course Name CH Pre-requisite
CS2-0110 Data Mining 3 CS0-0260 Introduction to statistics
CS1-0110 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 CS0-0340 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS1-0260 Artificial Neural Networks 3 CS0-0340 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS2-0210 Data Visualization 3 CS2-0110 Data Mining
CS2-0220 Data Analytics 3 CS2-0210 Data Visualization
CS2-0230 Statistical Modeling 3 CS2-0110 Data Mining
CS2-0250 Data Warehousing 3 CS2-0110 Data Mining;

Co-requisite(s): CS0-0360 Database Management

Total Credit Hours 21  

Year 1 – Semester 1

Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
COM-1113 Academic Writing 1 3 EmSAT or its equivalent
CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology 3
CS0-0110 Calculus 1 3
PHY-1111 Physics 3
CS0-0140 Algorithm and Problem Solving 3
Total Credit Hours 15  

Intro to IT

CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology:- This is an introductory course to computer applications and information technology. Concepts include terminology, computer hardware, software, and networks as well as the impact of computers on our society along with ethical issues in computing and trends in information technology and commonly used application software.  Students will use a computer with word processor, electronic spreadsheet, database management system, and presentation software to process data and present useful information.

Pre-requisite: None


CS0-0110 Calculus 1:- This course discusses studying functions of one variable and studying its extension with functions of several variables. It gives the basic principles of differentiation and integration process and helps the students to evaluate the relationship between derivative and antiderivative. Prerequisite(s): None

Pre-requisite: None

Algorithm and Problem Solving

CS0-0130 Algorithm and Problem Solving:-This is an introductory course to programming. Students will learn basic skills of designing, developing algorithms, and the role of algorithms in computing.  This course will introduce the students to the basics of python programming. They will learn how to write simple python programs for solving problems.

Pre-requisite: None

Year 1 - Semester 2

Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
CS0-0290 Calculus 2 3 CS0-0110 Calculus 1
COM-2123 Academic Writing 2 3 COM -1113 Academic Writing 1
CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming 3 CS0-0140-Algorithms and Problem Solving
CS0-0220 Logic Design 3
COM-1123 Arabic Communication Skills
Total Credit Hours 15

Calculus 2

CS0-0290 Calculus 2:-This course discusses studying functions of one variable and studying its extension with functions of several variables. It gives the basic principles of differentiation and integration process and helps the students to evaluate the relationship between derivative and antiderivative.

Prerequisite(s): None

Networking and Telecommunications

CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming:-In this course, students will learn basic programming skills and the implementation of algorithmic procedures such as modelling, and implementation of algorithms using a programming language. The course discusses data types, expressions, selection and repetition statements, methods and functions, arrays, and the design and implementation of Java classes and objects.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0140-Algorithm and Problem Solving

Introduction to Programming

CS0-0220 Logic Design:- Main concepts of Logic Design; Boolean Algebra; Basic Definitions; Basic Theorems and Properties; Boolean Functions; Canonical and Standard Forms; Digital Logic Gates; Minimization Methods; Combinational Logic; Sequential Logic. Numbering Systems; Binary Codes; Boolean Algebra; Gate-Level Minimization; Algebraic Simplifications; Karnaugh Maps; Don’t-Care conditions; NAND and NOR Implementation; Combinational Logic; Adders and subtractors; Decoders and Encoders; Multiplexers and Demultiplexers; ROMS and PLAs; Sequential Logic; Flip Flops; Registers, Counters, and Serial adder.

Prerequisite(s): None

Year 2 - Semester 3

Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
HUM-1613 Islamic Studies 3
CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1 3 CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming
CS0-0240 Data Structures 3 CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming
CS0-0320 Computer Organization & Architecture 3 CS0-0210 Logic Design
CS0-0250 Discrete Mathematics 3 CS0-0110 Calculus 1
Total Credit Hours 15  

UAE Society

CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1:- This course introduces web technologies with a focus on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Students will learn how to create and design web pages, apply styling, and add interactivity using JavaScript. The course is structured to provide hands-on experience and promote an understanding of how these technologies work together to build modern web applications.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0210 – Introduction to Programming

Data Structures

CS0-0240 Data Structures:- This course provides an overview of abstract data types (ADT), design and implementation of data structures and algorithms, and applications of data structures. The course will discuss data structures such as stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, recursion and visualization of data structures.

Prerequisite (s):  CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming

Computer Organization

CS0-0320 Computer Organization & Architecture:-The course introduces internal functionality and architectural features of computer systems. Students will learn about basic processor components, Boolean algebra, digital logic, memory structures, low-level machine instructions and addressing mode, RISC architecture, and various forms of parallelism.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0210 Logic Design

Discrete Math

CS0-0250 Discrete Mathematics:- This course provides an introduction to the foundations of discrete mathematics as they apply to the computing field. Topics include functions, relations, sets, algorithms, mathematical proof techniques, Boolean algebra, logic, counting, algebraic structures, and the fundamentals of graph theory.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0110 Calculus 1

Year 2 – Semester 4

Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
CS0-0330 Object-Oriented Programming    3 CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming

CS0-0240 Data Structures

CS0-0310 Computer Networks 3 CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology
CS0-0350 HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) 3 CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1
CS0-0280 Introduction to Software Engineering and System Analysis 3 CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology
CS0-0360 Database Management 3 CS0-0240 Data Structures
CS0-0260 Introduction to statistics 3 CS0-0110 Calculus 1
Total Credit Hours 18  

Object Oriented Programming

CS0-0330 Object-Oriented Programming:-This course introduces students to the principles of object-oriented programming through the Python language. Students will learn how to create reusable and efficient code using classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and more.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0210 – Introduction to Programming, CS0-0240 – Data Structures

Computer Networks

CS0-0310 Computer Networks:- This course will cover the fundamental aspects of computer networks, including the application layer, transport layer, network layer, and link layer protocols. students will analyse and evaluate network architectures, protocols, and technologies used in modern computer networks. Topics covered include protocols and message formats at the application layer, reliability and congestion control mechanisms at the transport layer, routing algorithms and IP addressing at the network layer, and link layer protocols for media access control and error detection. Students will also learn to design and optimize local area networks (LANs) using Ethernet and wireless technologies. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of computer networks and the ability to apply their knowledge to solve real-world networking problems.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology


CS0-0350 HCI (Human-Computer Interaction):-This course discusses the design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems with a focus on issues of usability which govern human-computer interaction. Students will be introduced to the structure of human-machine communication and social aspects of design related to machine interaction and methods to evaluate user interaction needs with computer systems.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1

Software Engineering

CS0-0280 Introduction to Software Engineering and System Analysis :-This introductory course provides an overview of software engineering principles and system analysis techniques. Students will learn the fundamentals of software development processes, requirements gathering, modelling techniques, and system analysis methodologies. The course emphasizes both theoretical concepts and practical applications, preparing students for real-world software engineering projects. Through lectures, discussions, and hands-on activities, students will gain a solid foundation in software engineering and system analysis.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0120 Introduction to Information Technology

Database Management

CS0-0360 Database Management :-

This course will provide a comprehensive foundation for designing, building, and working with different databases. The course will focus on implementation, environment, database architectures, database system life cycle, and security and administration of databases. The course will also discuss manipulation of databases using Structured Query Language (SQL) and advanced query languages. It exposes the students to ER models and Normalization forms.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0240 Data Structures

Introduction to Statistics

CS0-0260 Introduction to statistics :-This course aims at developing students’ formative knowledge and skills in statistics and probability. It covers topics such as fundamentals of statistics, descriptive statistics, probability methods, conditional probability, probability models, random variables, mean, variance, point estimation, and confidence interval.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0110 Calculus 1

Year 3 - Semester 5

Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
CS0-0410 Operating Systems 3 CS0-0240 Data Structures
CS0-0450 Multimedia 3 CS0-0230 Web Technologies

CS0-0210 Introduction to Programming

CS0-0270 Linear Algebra 3 CS0-0110 Calculus 1
CS0-0440 Information Security 3 CS0-0320 Computer Organization & Architecture
CS0-0340 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 CS0-0360 Database Management

CS0-0330 Object-Oriented Programming

LSS-2483 Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability 3 CS0-0360 Database Management

CS0-0330 Object-Oriented Programming

Total Credit Hours 18

Operating Systems

CS0-0410 Operating Systems:-This course discusses modern operating systems design concepts. It covers topics such as operating system processes, threads, synchronization, deadlocks, disk scheduling and memory management, file management, and clustering with emphasis on Linux operating systems, installation, configuration, commands, editing, scripting, and shell programming.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0240 Data Structures


CS0-0450 Multimedia:- This course discusses concepts, models, techniques and functionality of multimedia systems. The course covers the principal aspects of modern multimedia systems, from multimedia data creation, storage and transmission. The   course   also   discusses   authoring tools, data compression techniques, multimedia distribution and also throws light on intellectual property rights in the context of digital multimedia.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1

Human-Computer Interaction

CS0-0270 Linear Algebra:-This course discusses the basic concepts of linear algebra, spanning, linear independence, and linear transformations. It addresses how to perform algebraic operations with matrices and provides different tools for handling the various applications of linear algebra. This course introduces the determinant, the vector spaces and the concepts of eigenvectors and eigenvalues to support engineering design. It shows the principles of distance and orthogonality in a vector space and examines various least-squares problems of applications. The course also discusses the symmetric matrices and quadratic forms.

Prerequisite(s): CS0-0110 Calculus 1

Information Security

CS0-0440 Information Security:-

This course discusses fundamental concepts of information security. The course discusses various types of security threats against information and students will learn the development stages of Information Security policies, mitigation strategies, usage of cryptography in deploying security mechanisms and how to design a security program for an organization.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0320 Computer Organization & Architecture

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

CS0-0340 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence:- Students will learn the concepts of artificial intelligence and its roles in developing computing systems for many applications. The course will discuss topics such as robotics, neural networks, computer vision, and natural language processing, and the implementation of various probabilistic models for reasoning and reaching optimal solutions of real-life problems.

Prerequisite (s):  CS0-0360 Database Management, CS0-0330 Object-Oriented Programming

Year 3 - Semester 6

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-requisite
CS0-0420 Cloud Computing 3 CS0-0410 Operating Systems

CS0-0310 Computer Networks

CCS0-0430 Web Technologies 2 3 CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1
CS2-0110 Data Mining 3 CS0-0250 Introduction to statistics
CS0-0460 Ethics in Computer Science 3
CS0-0470 Internship 3 After completing 90 Credit hours Successfully
CS1-0110 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 CS0-0340 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Total Credit Hours 18

Cloud Computing

CS0-0420 Cloud Computing:- This course gives students an overview of the field of Cloud Computing, its enabling technologies, main building blocks, and hands-on experience through projects utilizing public cloud infrastructures (Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure). The course will introduce the topics of cloud infrastructures, virtualization, virtual machines, cloud storage, and programming models. In addition to them, students will learn about different cloud storage concepts including data distribution, durability, consistency, and redundancy.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0410 Operating Systems, CS0-0310 Computer Networks


CS0-0430 Web Technologies 2:-In this course, students’ skills are developed in designing, testing, publishing, and managing professional websites utilizing professional industry web authoring tools such as html, CSS, and WordPress. Students will learn the use of advanced tools such as plugins, hooks and java script applets, HTTP API, multisite applications, CGI tools, querying and displaying posts, widgets, and debugging.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1


 CS2-0110 Data Mining:-This course introduces the concepts and techniques of data mining. The course covers the basic principles and methods of data mining, with an emphasis on the application of these methods to real-world problems. Topics include data pre-processing, classification, clustering, association rule mining, and visualization techniques. Throughout the course, students will use data mining software tools to work on real-world datasets.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0250 Introduction to statistics

Ethics in Computer science

 CS0-0460 Ethics in Computer Science: This course provides an in-depth exploration of ethical issues in the field of computer science. Students will examine the moral and legal implications of technology, professional responsibilities, privacy and security concerns, intellectual property rights, social and cultural impact, and emerging ethical challenges. The course aims to develop students’ ethical decision-making skills and their ability to navigate complex ethical issues in the field of computer science.

Prerequisite (s): None


CS0-0470 Internship:- In this course, students will have the opportunity to enhance their practical skills through 16-weeks of work experience in an IT company. Students can take this course in fall, spring, or two summer semesters. Students will apply their theoretical and practical knowledge to develop their critical thinking, communications, interpersonal skills as well as awareness of and adherence to relevant codes of ethics and ethical conduct.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of 90 Credit Hours (Please check the wordings some areas used After completing 90 Credit hours Successfully)

 Machine Learning

CS1-0110 Introduction to Machine learning: This course provides an overview of basic supervised and unsupervised methods such as regression, decision trees, neural networks, deep learning, and clustering algorithms. It also presents the established tools for machine learning and relevant applications including cross validation and dimensionality reduction.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0340 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Year 4 - Semester 7

Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
CS1-0260 Artificial Neural Networks 3 CS0-0340 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS2-0230 Statistical Modeling 3 CS2-0110 Data Mining
CS2-0210 Data Visualization 3 CS1-0110 Introduction to Machine Learning
Program Elective 1
HUM-1633 UAE Society 3 CS0-0230 Web Technologies 1
Total Credit Hours 15  


Artificial Neural Networks:This course helps to explore the historical progression of artificial intelligence that has culminated in the development of artificial neural networks (ANN). The course aims to provide students with a foundational understanding of the fundamental concepts and models of ANN, specifically focusing on their application in solving basic pattern recognition problems. The course will delve into the analysis of both feedforward and feedback neural networks, enabling students to comprehend their mechanisms and capabilities. The course will also explore real-world applications of neural networks, enabling students to understand their practical relevance and impact.

Prerequisite (s): CS0-0340 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


CS2-0210 Data Visualization: This course aims at helping students learn how to create clear and impactful visuals from data. Students will discover the use of data visualization tools, understand data types, and become skilled in designing informative graphics. By the end of the course, they’ll excel at making both static graphics and interactive dashboards, improving their ability to make data-driven decisions.

Prerequisite (s): CS2-0110 Data Mining

Year 4 - Semester 8

Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s)
CS2-0220 Data Analytics 3 CS2-0210 Data Visualization
CS2-0250 Data Warehousing 3 CS2-0110 Data Mining
CS0-0480 Capstone Project 3 After completing 90 Credit hours Successfully, CS0-0280 Introduction to Software Engineering & System Analysis
Program Elective 2 3
Total Credit Hours 12  


CS2-0220 Data Analytics:- This course provides a foundational understanding of data analytics techniques and tools. Students will learn how to collect, clean, analyse, and visualize data to make informed decisions and solve real-world problems. With hands-on exercises and practical examples, this course equips participants with the skills needed to thrive in a data-centric environment.

Prerequisite (s): CS2-0210 Data Visualization


CS2-0250 Data Warehousing: This course introduces the methodology of developing a data warehouse. It covers various aspects such as design, acquisition, management, analysis, query, mining, and visualization, with a focus on meeting the informational and analytical requirements of an enterprise. The course explores the fundamental concepts of data warehousing and data marts, including their purpose, architecture, utilization, and security. It guides students through the process of creating a data warehouse or data mart solution, starting from identifying an enterprise’s informational and analytical needs and culminating in the extraction of valuable business intelligence (BI) through data mining techniques and models. Additionally, the course delves into the effectiveness of data warehousing in supporting strategic decision-making processes.

Prerequisite (s): CS2-0110 Data Mining; Co-requisite(s): CS0-0360 Database Management


CS0-0480 Capstone Project:-  This course exposes students to the challenge of designing, developing, and implementing a digital solution to a real-world problem as team effort. It is further expected that the final Capstone Project report will thoroughly document the development of the system under review along with the procedures adopted for optimizing task delegation and resource management. Students will be organized into teams to undertake the Capstone Project. The team size and composition will be determined based on the specific project requirements and the number of students enrolled in the course. However, the size of a team is from 3 to 5 students. In most cases, each team member will be expected to contribute to the project presentations. Individual contributions, such as presenting a specific aspect of the project or showcasing personal research findings, can be evaluated separately.

Prerequisite(s): After completing 90 Credit hours Successfully, CS0-0280 Introduction to Software Engineering & System Analysis

Job Opportunities and Career Pathway

BCS in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI & ML) graduates can be employed as:

  • Software and hardware designers in different public and private sectors
  • Artificial intelligence specialists
  • Specialist
  • Data Scientist
  • Autonomous systems configuration, testing, and maintenance specialist
  • Smart IT solutions specialist
  • System data analyst
  • Data mining developer
  • Database designer and administrator
  • System administrator
  • System support technician
  • Computer science researcher
  • Developers and programmers who uses software and hardware to design, process, implement and manage systems in different domains and any other technical path related to the program.

Dr. Ahmed Khalifa

Acting Dean
Assistant Professor

Ph.D./Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Computer Engineering

College of Information Technology
Phone: 092244499 local 303
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8142-3520

Dr. Sufian Khawaldeh 

Associate Professor

Ph.D./University of Central Lancashire

Systems & Operations

College of Information Technology
Phone: 092244499 local 300

Dr. Korhan Cengiz

Assistant Professor

Ph.D./Kadir Has University

Electronics Engineering

College of Information Technology
Phone: 092244499 local 301
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6594-8861

Dr. Sangheethaa Sukumran

Associate Professor

Ph.D/Anna University, India

Information and Communication Engineering/ Networking

College of Information Technology
Phone: 092244499 local 302
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0005-8216

Dr. Yousef Kamel Qawqzeh

Assistant Professor

Ph.D/The national University of
Malaysia UKM, Malaysia

Systems Engineering

College of Information Technology
Phone: 092244499 local 305