BBA - Banking and Finance


The Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Finance is designed for students seeking to acquire knowledge, specific skills and applied competence necessary for careers in financial services and international banking. The program prepares graduates to become expert business professionals equipped with the ability to identify, analyze, and solve complex financial decisions.


The aim of BBA-Banking and Finance is to prepare students to recognize, differentiate, and evaluate the financing and investing decisions of banking and financial institutions.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Evaluate financial data to be able to compare and contrast various alternatives to reach a feasible decision.
  2. Identify and measure the risks and rewards associated with investing.
  3. Explain and evaluate the rules of financial institutions in local and global contexts.
  4. Recognize and compare global security markets.
  5. Value the issues of corporate social responsibility and ethical considerations associated with the practice of banking and financial decision making.

Summary of BBA Program Structure


Program Course Structure Summary Credit Hours
Compulsory Elective Total Credit Hours (CH)
General Education Core Courses 15 15 30
Program Core Courses 72 06 78
Concentration Core Courses 18 0 18
Total Credits Hours 105 21 126
General Education Core Courses: 30 Credit Hours
1- Compulsory Courses: 15 Credit Hours  
Code (Course Area + Number) Course Title Credit Hours (CH) Pre-requisite(s)/Co-Requisite(s)
COM-1143 English Communication Skills 3 EmSAT or its equivalent
COM-1123 Arabic Communication Skills 3
HUM-1613 Islamic Studies 3
HUM-1633 UAE Society 3
LSS-2483 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3
  Total Credit Hours 30
  2- Elective Courses: 15 Credit Hours
Course Code Course Name CH Pre-requisite(s) / Co-Requisite(s)
 ICT-1313  Computer Applications  3
 MTH-1213  Mathematics (Algebra)  3
 COM-1113  Academic Writing 1 3
COM-2123 Academic Writing 2 3 COM-1113
LSS-1733 Introduction to Sociology 3
COM-1153 Arabic Composition and Report Writing 3
COM-1133 Public Speaking 3
LSS-1853 Academic Writing 2 3
SSCI170105 Introduction to Environmental Science 3
LSS-1463 Ethics and Citizens Rights 3
LSS-1473 Logic and Critical Thinking 3
LSS-1723 Introduction to Psychology 3
HUM-2623 Introduction to Humanities 3
Total Credit Hours 15
College Requirements: 78 Credit Hours
1- Core Courses: 72 Credit Hours
Course (Course Area + Number) Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s) / Co-Requisite(s)
BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration (IBA) 3
BBA-2343 Principles of Financial Accounting I 3
BBA-2213 Organizational Behavior 3 BBA-1253 Principles of Management
BBA-2113 International Business 3 BBA-1253 Principles of Management
BBA-2223 Business Mathematics 3 BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics
BBA-2253 Business Law 3 BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration
BBA-1123 Business Communications
BBA-2253 Managerial Accounting 3 BBA-2353 Principles of Financial Accounting II
BBA-2423 Microeconomics 3 BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics
BBA-1123 Business Communication 3 BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration
BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics 3
BNS-1413 Management Information Systems 3
BBA-1253 Principles of Management 3 BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration
BBA-2353 Principles of Financial Accounting II 3 BBA-2343 Principles of Financial Accounting I
BBA-2733 Research Methodology 3 BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics
BBA-3113 Principles of Marketing 3 BBA-1253 Principles of Management
BBA-3733 Operations Management 3 BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business
BBA-3723 Strategic Management 3 BBA-2733 Research Methodology
BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business
BBA-3123 Organizational Theory
BBA-2123 Organizational Theory 3 BBA-1253 Principles of Management
BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business 3 BBA-1253 Principles of Management;
BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics
BBA-3433 Macroeconomics 3 BBA-2423 Microeconomics
BBA-3213 Business Ethics 3 BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration
BBA-4913 Capstone Project 3 BBA-3723 Strategic Management Complete,
BBA-3713 Innovations and Entrepreneurial Leadership,
Successfully completed 90 CH
BBA-4813 Work placement 3 BBA-4723 Innovations and Entrepreneurial Leadership
BBA-3713 Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership 3 LSS2-483 Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business,
BBA-2733 Research Methodology
Total Credit Hours 72
2- Elective Courses: 6 Credit Hours
Course (Course Area + Number) Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite(s) / Co-Requisite(s)
BBA-4673 Tourism and Hospitality Management 3 BBA-3113 Principles of Marketing
BBA-4793 E-Business fundamentals 3 ICT-1313 Computer Applications
BBA-4763 Supply Chain Management 3 BBA-3113 Principles of Marketing
BBA-3733 Operations Management
BBA-4773 Feasibility Study and Projects Evaluation 3 BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting
BBA-4443 Insurance and Risk Management 3 BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business
BBA-4783 Total Quality Management 3 BBA-3113 Principles of Marketing
BBA-3733 Operations Management
BBA-4743 Finance and Technology 3 BBA- 4543 Investment Analysis
BNS 1413 Management Information System
BBA- 4413 International Finance
BBA-4753 International Human Resource Management 3 BBA-4623 Human Resource Management
BBA-4643 UAE Labor Law and Employee Relations.
BBA-4713 Special Topics in Business 3 BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration
BBA-3713 Innovations and Entrepreneurial Leadership
 Total Credit Hours 6
Concentration Core Courses: 18 Credit Hours
Course (Course Area + Number) Course Title Credit Hours Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisite(s)
BBA-4513 Financial Institutions and Markets 3 BBA-2113 International Business
BBA-4543 Islamic Banking  and Finance 3 BBA-2113 International Business
BBA-4523 Money and Banking 3 BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting
BBA-4533 Bank Management 3 BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting
BBA-4553 Investment Analysis 3 BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting
BBA-4433 International Finance 3 BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting
Total Credit Hours 18

Year 1 - Semester 1

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
COM-1143 English Communication Skills 3 EmSAT or its equivalent
GE GE Elective 3
HUM-1613 Islamic Studies 3
GE GE Elective 3
BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration 3
Total Credit Hours 15  

English Communication Skills

COM-1143 English Communication Skills (3-0-3):- This course is designed to improve the basic communication skills of students necessary for effective and efficient communication. The subject aims to equip the students with the appropriate communication skills required in conversations, group discussions, meetings, interviews and presentations, as well as to explore topics on verbal and non-verbal communication.

Pre-requisite(s): EMSAT or its equivalent

Islamic Studies

HUM-1613 Islamic Studies (3-0-3):- مفهوم الثقافة الاسلامية، مقومات ومميزات الثقافة الاسلامية، نشأت ومفهوم الدين , موقف الاسلام من العلم , بيان مفهوم العقيدة الالسلامية , موقف الاسلام من الفرق الضالة , الشريعة الاسلامية ومصادر التشريع في الاسلام , اركان الايمان , موقف الالسلام من الفرق الضالة , التشريعة الاسلامية ومصادر التشريع في الاسلام , خصائص التشريع الاسلامي، رد شبهات حو لبعض التشريعات كتعدد الزوجات وحقوق المرأة والحدود في الاقتصاد : العملوالكسب , المال والملكية , خصائص الاقتصاد , العبادات في الالسلام , أنواعها وأهميتها وآثاؤها في النفس والمجتمع , الاخلاق في الاسلام , فائدتها وأهميتها وآثارها في النفس والمجتمع , الاخلاق في الالسلام فائدتها وأهميتها , تحديات الثقافة الاسلامية , الغزو الفكري , العلمانية , العوملة وكيف نجابه أخطارها في المجالات المحتلفة اقتصاديا وسياسيا واجتماعيا وثقافيا

Introduction to Business Administration

BBA-1153  Introduction to Business Administration (3-0-3):- This course deals with understanding of the contemporary business environment, in which topics covered include an understanding of the business system; conducting business ethically and responsibly; entrepreneurship and small businesses; managing the business enterprise; organizing the business enterprise; marketing and human resources

Pre-Requisite(s): None

Year 1 - Semester 2

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
GE GE Elective 3
COM-1123 Arabic Communication Skills 3
HUM-1633 UAE Society 3
LSS-2483 Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3
BBA-1253 Principles Management 3 BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration
Total Credit Hours 15

Arabic Communication Skills

COM-1123 Arabic Communication Skills (3-0-3)

يهدف المقرر إلى إكساب الطالب المقدرات الكتابية والشفوية التي تعينه على استخدام اللغة استعمالا صحيحا؛ ليُحقق عن طريقها ما لديه من مقاصد وارتباطات مع الآخرين. وليّصبح في مقدوره تحليل جميع النصوص واستخراج ما فيها من أفكار تُعينه على المعرفة واستنباط الحقائق في جميع مناحي حياته.
المتطلب السابق: لا يوجد

UAE Society

HUM-1633 UAE Society (3-0-3)

يتناول هذا المساق دراسة المجتمعات الإنسانية عموماً ويتناول على وجه الخصوص السمات العامة والمقومات الرئيسة لمجتمع دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، والموقع الجغرافي، والسكان ونموهم والتركيب النوعي والعمومي، وكذلك يتطرق إلى الجانب الاقتصادي والجغرافي للسكان. ويتناول الجوانب الأسرية، والنظام الأسري والقبلي، كما أن المساق يتناول طبيعة الخدمات المقدمة للمجتمع قبل مرحلة النفط وبعدها، إضافة إلى دراسة دور المؤسسات الثقافية والتربوية والإعلامية وما تقدمه من خدمات للمجتمع الإماراتي، والرؤى المستقبلية االداخلية والخارجية لدولة الإمارات.

المتطلب السابق: لا يوجد

Innovation and Entrepreneurship 

LSS-2483 Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3-0-3)


Principles of Management

BBA-1253 Principles of Management(3-0-3)

This course presents the modern management practices as they apply in the today’s business world. The course discusses the five functions of management: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, and Controlling. It addresses the functions of management from classical, behavioral, contingency and system perspectives.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration

Year 1 - Summer

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics 3
BBA-1123 Business Communication 3 BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration
Total Credit Hours 6

Introduction to Business Statistics 

BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics (3-0-3)

This course provides an overview of a statistics addressing: discrete populations, samples, organization of data, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability, estimations, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression analysis.

Pre-Requisite(s): None

Business Communication

BBA-1123 Business Communication (3-0-3)

This course emphasizes the importance of effective written and spoken communication within a business setting.  This course will equip students with the skills to produce clear and concise business documents and to deliver engaging messages in various business contexts.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration

Year 2 - Semester 3

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
GE General Elective 3
GE General Elective 3
BNS-1413 Management Information Systems I 3 ICT-1313 Computer Applications
BBA-2343 Principles of Financial Accounting I 3
BBA-2253 Business Law 3 BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration BBA-1123 Business Communications
Total Credit Hours 15  

Management Information Systems Science

BNS-1413 Management Information Systems (1-2-3)

This course provides an overview of management information systems (MIS) and discusses how such MIS applications can improve business workflows, enhance strategic decision-making, and otherwise provide a competitive advantage within the business environment. The course discusses the function of the main types of MIS applications

Pre-Requisite(s): None

Principles of Financial Accounting

BBA-2343 Principles of Financial Accounting (2-1-3)

An introduction to accounting principles including: measurement, evaluation and accumulation of accounting data. Financial accounting is concerned with providing information to the different users (External and Internal). The course covers the accounting cycle, adjustments, merchandising operations, and preparation of financial statements.

Pre-Requisite(s): None

Business Law

BBA-2253 Business Law (3-0-3)

Effective managers and employees must develop knowledge of both law and business because people involved in business also are involved in, and greatly affected by, the law concerning business. In the present business environment, the link between law and business is growing day by day to prevent and protect stakeholders’ business interests.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration, BBA-1123 Business Communications

Year 2 - Semester 4

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
BBA-2213 Organizational Behavior 3 BBA-1253 Principles of Management
BBA-2223 Business Mathematics 3 BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics
BBA-2733 Research Methodology 3 BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics
BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business 3 BBA-1253 Principles of Management;
BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics
BBA-2353 Principles of Financial Accounting II 3 BBA-2343 Principles of Financial Accounting I
Total Credit Hours 15  

Organizational Behavior

BBA-2213 Organizational Behavior (3-0-3)

This course provides an introduction of the concepts and theories of human behavior at the individual, group or organizational level which exert great influence on the operation of an organization. The application of these behavioral management concepts is aimed on improving organizational effectiveness.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1253 Principles of Management

Business Mathematics

BBA-2223 Business Mathematics(2-1-3)

This course aims at introducing learners to basic mathematics skills they require to understand, analyze, and solve mathematical problems prevalent in business and finance, and in investment decision making. Learners are required to have ability to perform the basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics


BBA-2733 Research Methodology (2-1-3)

The course provides an introduction to research methods in social sciences in general and business administration in particular. The primary aim of the course is to equip the students with essential research techniques they would use in advanced specialized courses. The course will cover a range of topics, including in particular, research design, sampling theory & data collection.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics

Quantitative Analysis for Business

BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business (2-1-3)

This course reviews the basic quantitative methods used in business decision-making.  The major focus of the course will be on decision-making under certainty and uncertainty such as linear programming.  Some of the specific topics to be covered will include problem formulation, graphic solutions, different forms of linear programming such as transportation and models.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1253 Principles of Management; BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics

Principles of Marketing

BBA-2353 Principles of Financial Accounting II(2-1-3)

This course complements Principles of Financial Accounting I.  It provides details on the preparation of financial statements with more emphasis on the components of the balance sheet items such as plant assets, intangible assets, natural resources, short and long term investments, current and long term liabilities and stock holder’s equity.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-2343 Principles of Financial Accounting I

Year 2 - Summer

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
BBA-2113 International Business 3 BBA-1253 Principles of Management
BBA-2123 Organizational Theory 3 BBA-1253 Principles of Management
Total Credit Hours 6  

Organizational Behavior

BBA-2113 International Business (3-0-3)

This overview course explores key international business dimensions in terms of their core concepts, and highlights the business and social implications of these core concepts from the perspective of managers and public-policy makers. It provides the students with the knowledge and skills of the theories and the key concepts of International Business

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1253 Principles of Management

Organizational Theory

BBA-2123 Organizational Theory (3-0-3)

The aim of this course is to expose the students to the evolution of organizational theory, and the contribution of different schools of thought to the development of classical and contemporary theoretical perspectives.  The topics of bureaucracy, power and politics, organizational structures and technology, and emerging design options will be extensively examined.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1253 Principles of Management

Year 3 - Semester 5

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
BBA-3713 Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership 3 LSS2-483 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business
BBA-2733 Research Methodology
BBA-3423 Microeconomics 3 BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistics
BBA-3733 Operations Management 3 BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business
BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting 3 BBA-2353 Principles of Financial Accounting II
Total Credit Hours 12

Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership

BBA-3713 Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership (1-2-3)

This is an interactive course that will make students understand the concepts of innovation, innovation based entrepreneurship, the growth of businesses, managerial & leadership skills.  This course will cover both entrepreneurial and innovation part. In an entrepreneurial part, this will focus on business while innovation part will focus on design thinking skills.
Pre-Requisite(s): LSS2-483 Innovation and Entrepreneurship, BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business, BBA-2733 Research Methodology


BBA-3423 Microeconomics(3-0-3)

This course will focus on contemporary microeconomics and provide a conceptual foundation for analysis of policy.  Whether it is explaining the behavior of consumers, producers or government, microeconomics lies at the heart of decision making.  The course considers the operation of a market economy and the problem of how best to allocate society’s scarce resources.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1113 Introduction to Business Statistic

Operations Management

BBA-3733 Operations Management (1-1-3)

The aims of the course are providing an in introduction to the field of operations management as one of the major fields in the study of business administration. The course will furnish students with the aspects of business operations.
Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business

Managerial Accounting

BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting (2-1-3)

An introduction to the principles of management accounting, cost concepts and behavior useful for decision-making. The use of accounting data for cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, pricing and evaluation of performance

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-2353 Principles of Financial Accounting II

Year 3 - Semester 6

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-requisite
BBA-3213 Business Ethics 3 BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration
BBA-3793 Strategic Management 3 BBA-2733 Research Methodology
BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business
BBA-3123 Organizational Theory
BBA-3513 Financial Institution and Markets 3 BBA-2113 International Business
Specialize Core  Elective 1 3
Total Credit Hours 12

Academic Writing II

BBA-3213 Business Ethics (3-0-3)

The purpose of the course is to communicate theoretical and practical insights and developments in the field of business ethics. The course will help students better understand how businesses interact with the societies in which they operate. Using cases and discussion points, the course will examine the ethical problems involved in real-life business situations. Some of the major topics to be covered include:

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1153 Introduction to Business Administration

Ethics and Citizens Rights

BBA-3793 Strategic Management (3-0-3)

This course is designed to provide an understanding of critical business skills of strategic planning and decision-making and it gives students an opportunity to apply these skills to real business situations in the UAE/GCC environments.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-2733 Research Methodology; BBA-2743 Quantitative Analysis for Business, BBA-3123 Organizational Theory

Operations Management

BBA-3513 Financial Institution and Markets (3-0-3)

This course builds a strong background for understanding financial institutions and their participants in the financial markets.  The course also offers coverage of financial institutions and strategies involved in their effective management.  The course examines the modes of operations of different financial institutions and assesses the strengths and limitations of each.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-2113 International Business

Year 3 - Summer

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
BBA-3113 Principles of Marketing 3 BBBA-1253 Principles of Management
BBA-3433 Macroeconomics 3 BBA-2423 Microeconomics
Total Credit Hours 6

Principles of Marketing

BBA-3113 Principles of Marketing (3-0-3)

This course examines an introduction to the key principles, processes, and practices involved in marketing and its interaction with the local and global business environment. These topics are focused on: analyzing the market and consumers with due emphasis on marketing research; understanding the marketing mix: highlighting product development, pricing & distribution.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-1253 Principles of Management


BBA-3433 Macroeconomics (3-0-3)

This course is an introduction to macroeconomic theory and policy implications.  The course provides an overview of determination of output, interest rates, unemployment, and inflation.  The effectiveness of different macroeconomic stabilization policies to promote growth is also discussed.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-3423 Microeconomics

Year 4 - Semester 7

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
BBA-4813 Work Placement 3 BBA-4723 Innovations and Entrepreneurial Leadership
BBA-4523 Money and Banking 3 BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting
BBA-4533 Bank Management 3 BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting
BBA-4543 Islamic Banking and Finance 3
Total Credit Hours 12  

Work Placement

BBA-4813 Work Placement (0-30-3)

Work placement is an approach of learning through relevant practical work experience mixed with mentorship by the college mentor. The course is designed to grow develop students’ personal and professional competencies to complement the academic capabilities gained through traditional classes.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-4723 Innovations and Entrepreneurial Leadership

Training and Development

BBA-4523 Money and Banking (3-0-3)

This course is designed to introduce an overview of the meaning and role of money, banking and market.  Topics include the financial system, money and central bank, asset price and interest rate, determinants of interest rate, securities markets, foreign exchange markets, the banking industry, money supply and interest rates.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting

UAE Labor Law and Employee Relations

BBA-4533 Bank Management (3-0-3)

This course describes both the theory and practice of banking, bank management, and banking operations from a financial-management perspective.  Focusing on dynamic and rapidly changing financial-services industry, the course explores modern financial management decision-making and highlights the importance of adapting and creating value as the way for firms to succeed.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting

Performance and Compensation Management

BBA-4543 Islamic Banking and Finance (3-0-3)

This course highlights the key characteristics of Islam banking which is different from conventional banking.  It highlights how Islamic banking is consistent with the Sharia’s and, as such, an important part of the system is the prohibition on collecting interest.  The course also shows how this central religious appears to rule out most aspects of modern finance.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-2113 International Business

Year 4 - Semester 8

Course Code Course Name CH Pre-Requisite(s) / Co-Requisites(s)
BBA-4913 Capstone Project 3 BBA-3723 Strategic Management Complete,
BBA-3713 Innovations and Entrepreneurial Leadership,
Successfully completed 90 CH
BBA-4553 Investment Analysis 3 BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting
BBA-4433 International Finance 3 BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting
  Specialized Course Elective 2 3
Total Credit Hours 12  

Introduction to Humanities

BBA-4913 Capstone Project (1-2-3)

Capstone project is designed to enable students to apply theoretical knowledge acquired over the years of study at the College of Business to writing an empirical project on real world business and management issues. Students will work through the entire process of planning a study, collecting data, analyzing the data, writing and presenting a report of the assigned project.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-3723 Strategic Management Complete, BBA-3713 Innovations and Entrepreneurial Leadership

Strategic Management

BBA-4553 Investment Analysis (1-2-3)

This course is designed to provide a good understanding of the field of investments while stimulating interest in the subject.  The course aims at helping students gain an appreciation of what is involved in (1) understanding what the investment opportunities are, (2) making good investment decisions, and (3) recognizing where investment problems are solved.

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting

Health and Safety Management

BBA-4433 International Finance (3-0-3)

This course offers a real-world grasp of the concepts and issues in international finance.  A wealth of examples is provided to enable students to see the implications of the course to business, mostly from Multinational Corporations (MNCs).

Pre-Requisite(s): BBA-3343 Managerial Accounting

Dr. Joseph Lutta

Assistant Professor & Acting Dean

Ph.D./Louisiana State University

Human Resource Development

College of Business Administration
Phone: 09-2244499 local 403
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8387-7163

Dr. Abhijit Kelkar

Associate Professor

Ph.D./Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University

Forensic Accounting and Investigative Audits

College of Business Administration
Phone: 09-2244499 local 401
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2000-5362

Dr. Priyanka Verma


Ph.D./University of Liverpool

Finance and Accounting

College of Business Administration
Phone: 09-2244499 local 133
ORCID ID: 0000 -0002-7653-7627

Dr. Arun Korath

Associate Professor

Ph.D./Ph.D./Anna University, India

Management Information Systems and Operations Management

College of Business Administration
Phone: 09-2244499 local 402
ORCID ID: 0000 -0002-7653-7627

Job Opportunities                     Career Pathway
  • Banking Executives
  • Banking and Insurance Sectors
  • Branch Managers
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Head of Departments
  • Manufacturing and Production
  • GM Consumer Banking
  • Sector Oil, Gas and Energy
  • CEO
  • Financial institutions