
  1. Students after consultation with their academic advisors can register online or in campus.
  2. The registration of courses is confirmed and access to the courses on the University’s Electronic System is granted only when the advisor approves the courses selected by the student and the payment for the courses is complete. Courses are automatically dropped from the student’s record if the payment has not been received before the end of the Add/Drop period.
  3. New students register for courses as part of the orientation program that immediately precedes the start of each semester.
  4. Continuing students register for spring semester during the last week of instruction in the preceding fall semester and for fall semester during the last week of instruction in the preceding spring semester.
  5. Prior to registration, students must contact their advisors and obtain approval of the courses for which they wish to register.
  6. Students are not considered to be registered unless their names appear on the official course roster from the Admissions and Registration Department.
  7. If the students’ names do not appear on the official course roster at the end of the add/drop period, students are responsible for informing the course instructor. The instructor will report the problem to the Admissions and Registration Department, which has the responsibility for correcting a clerical error or informing the students of the problem (such as nonpayment of fees).  The students are responsible for taking steps to correct errors that are brought to their attention.  Failure to do so may result in the students not getting credit for the course.